The Central Eurasia and Caucasus group and the Russia and European Republics group are the two scientific groups of the center.
Scientific Groups
Scientific Groups

The missions of the Center are as follows:
- Organized studies and scientific production for an accurate understanding of the countries in the Central Eurasian region.
- Expansion of scientific field studies to gain a precise understanding of this region.
- Providing research and educational services to various organizations in the country, both in the private and public sectors, in economic, cultural, social, foreign, defense, and security; and in regulating relations with the former Soviet Union republics to secure the national interests of the country.
- Providing research and consultancy services to the faculties and research centers of the University of Tehran.
- Establishing and expanding relationships with universities and research centers across the country.
- Establishing and expanding relationships with universities and research centers in the former Soviet Union republics.
- Establishing and expanding relationships with universities and research centers in other countries around the world in this field.
- Expanding and promoting studies in various political, economic, social, and cultural areas of the countries that emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union (Central Eurasia, including Russia, European Soviet republics, Central Asia, and the Caucasus).
Long-term Goals (5-year)
- Providing research, consultancy, and educational services to various organizations in the public and private sectors in economic, cultural, social, foreign, defense, and security affairs for regulating relations with former Soviet Union republics to secure the country’s interests.
- Developing the range of applied research in the field of Russian and European studies on the areas of work of ministries, organizations, government, and private institutions left over from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
- Utilizing the scientific, research, consultancy, and educational capabilities of professors in various university departments, including Regional Studies, International Relations, and Political Science effectively.
- Establishing specialized cultural, political, social, and economic fields related to Russian and European studies left over from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Short-term Goals (2-year)
- Expanding and strengthening scientific studies on the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Russia and the former Soviet Union European republics.
- Providing solutions for formulating the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Russia and the former Soviet Union European republics.
- Developing and enhancing interdisciplinary methods for studying and understanding the society, culture, economy, and politics of Russia and the former Soviet Union European countries.
- Methods and solutions to improve relations between Russia and the former Soviet Union European republics with Iran through economic, social, cultural, and political areas.
- Enhancing knowledge on political, cultural, economic, religious, gender, historical, migration, legal, cultural, and democratic issues, government and civil society, work, gender, and ethnicity in Russia and the former Soviet Union European republics.
The Central Asia and Caucasus group
Russia and Eastern Europe Group